2021年5月14日Zhitao Li PHD 学术报告
来源:专业菠菜导航官网 浏览人数: 发布时间:2021-05-13
报告题目:An Experience Replay Based Adaptive Disturbance Observer for a Class of Nonlinear Systems
In this talk, we consider a class of nonlinear systems with unknown disturbances where the disturbance is assumed to be generated by some unknown dynamics. we first use a filtered regressor approach to model the nonlinear systems and the disturbance. We show that this filtered regressor form allows us to estimate the disturbance using only measured state. Next, to improve convergence speed we propose a new adaptive observer with experience replay to ensure that disturbance estimate error is globally exponentially stable. Compared to the existing results, we neither use the knowledge of the disturbance dynamics nor the state derivatives in our adaptive protocol.
报告人:Zhitao Li
Zhitao Li is currentlyPHDcandidatein Nanjing University of Science andTechnology. He is a visiting scholar atMichigan State University in 2019.9-2021.3. His current research interests includeMulti-AgentSystem, Nonlinear Adaptive Control Systems, Finite-timeControl, Concurrent Learning, Reinforcement Learning.