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来源:专业菠菜导航官网 浏览人数: 发布时间:2019-11-04


   目:Pullback dynamical behaviors of the non-autonomous micropolar fluid flows with minimally regular force and moment

报告人:孙文龙  副教授

主持人:赵才地 教授

   间: 2019118日上午0900——1000

   点:专业菠菜导航官网三号楼二楼学术报告厅 3B205

【摘要】 In this paper, we investigate the pullback asymptotic behaviors of solutions for the non-autonomous micropolar fluid flows in 2D bounded domains. Firstly, when the force and the moment have a little additional regularity, we make use of the semigroup method and $\epsilon$-regularity method to obtain the existence of a compact pullback absorbing family in H and V , respectively. Then, applying the global well-posedness and the estimates of the solutions, we  verify the flattening property of the generated evolution process for the universe of fixed bounded sets and for another universe with a tempered condition in spaces H and V , respectively. Further, we show the existence and regularity of the pullback attractors of the evolution process. Compared with the regularity of the force and the moment of [31], here we only need the minimal regularity of the force and the moment.


孙文龙,长江大学教师,华东理工大学博士,上海市优秀毕业生,博士期间曾赴美国奥本大学公派访学一年,连续两年获得国家奖学金,在NONLINEAR ANAL-REALCOMMUN. MATH. SCI.J MATH ANAL APPLTOPOL METHOD NONL AN等期刊上发表SCI论文十多篇。主要研究方向为偏微分方程—非线性发展方程与无穷维动力系统。



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